Oct 20, 2011

So hey...!

I have come up with a concrete plan as to how I can execute what I previously posted on the steps I will take to improve this blog's ranking.

I will be posting a week's worth of blog entries already!

And this is how it's going to be...

I promised myself that I will religiously post DAILY for one month. I will join memes for 4 weeks. But I am not a machine so there should be specific topics so I would know what to dish out, right?

For week 1 (Oct 21 to 27), I thought I'd write about celebrities. Positive things about a select few that I like. For the memes, I don't think I have something about celebrities for personal photos so I will try to come up with something.

For week 2 (Oct 28 to Nov 3), I thought I'd write about friendship. I will write about friends back in grade school, high school, college. And friends I made at work.

For week 3 and 4 I still have to think about but there you have it! I already have two weeks worth of topics to write about!


On to writing!

Happy blogging everyone!



About Me

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Miss Blogger
I am Sasha. Blogger, first and foremost. I'm not much of a social creature but I treasure the few people I connect with. I am an accountant by profession, and an addicted blogger. Blogging makes me happy and it's my therapy. I love sunshine, bright lights, lavender, coffee. And books!
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