Dec 11, 2012

Book Friend

Ruby Tuesday 2

When my sister and I went to Thailand last August, one of the first things I checked out was the nearest bookstore. The one above called Book Friend was just a few blocks away from the hotel where we stayed at.

I got a kick out of seeing popular titles with Thai translations like the following...

Remember by Mary Higgins Clark

Snow White & the Huntsman

The Book of the Damned by DA Fowler

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson

The Sky is Falling by Sydney Sheldon

I have more photos of bestsellers translated into Thai as well as their local paperbacks. I had a blast just going around that Thai bookstore.

Happy Tuesday everyone!



Liz said...

Kakaaliw kasi me translation. :)


Chubskulit Rose said...

What a nice name for a bookstore.

Visiting late from Ruby Tuesday.

Hope you can also leave me a message at my RUBY post

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Miss Blogger
I am Sasha. Blogger, first and foremost. I'm not much of a social creature but I treasure the few people I connect with. I am an accountant by profession, and an addicted blogger. Blogging makes me happy and it's my therapy. I love sunshine, bright lights, lavender, coffee. And books!
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