Jan 6, 2011


I know it's just a few days into the new year but I am feeling all sorts of disoriented. I am always sleepy these past few days. I think it has something to do with the really cold weather. I also feel sort of worried about some things I need to pay for this coming months.

And then there's the case of a friend. I think I can only do so much and I feel it's unfair to dump on me so many things that should have been dumped on someone else's lap.


I am trying to stay positive, of course. That's my number one rule in life. Always try to see something positive in every situation I am in. But there are really days when I feel like throwing my hands up and just let things happen when it happens.


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Miss Blogger
I am Sasha. Blogger, first and foremost. I'm not much of a social creature but I treasure the few people I connect with. I am an accountant by profession, and an addicted blogger. Blogging makes me happy and it's my therapy. I love sunshine, bright lights, lavender, coffee. And books!
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