Nov 21, 2010

The past week...

I haven't been updating so much here. I am aware of that. I hope the handful of followers that I have won't leave me because of the lack of updates in the past few days.


I've been reading quite a lot in the past week. In fact, I was able to finish at least 7 books already. Cried buckets over one of those and still can't get over it! Yesterday, I declared that I am taking a break from reading but, well, I just can't stop! I am really in a reading phase at the moment. I think I will take advantage and decrease the number of books under my To-Be-Read pile.

What have you been up to lately?


About Me

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Miss Blogger
I am Sasha. Blogger, first and foremost. I'm not much of a social creature but I treasure the few people I connect with. I am an accountant by profession, and an addicted blogger. Blogging makes me happy and it's my therapy. I love sunshine, bright lights, lavender, coffee. And books!
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